ファミ通Xbox360 2011年7月号 [雑誌]
Xbox 360版:MHFプロモーションサイト.mp4
Monster Hunter Frontier(My Arsenal)
READ THIS PEOPLE!so that you wont bug anyone here about this vid! THIS IS A JAPANESE MMORPG and its not free.You cannot play this outside JP because youre IP will be blocked! there are ways though,but that will involve IP masking by using VPN(free VPN wont work)that means youll have to rent one plus youll have to pay for the game monthly. But if you really want to play this game and you dont have any money..try registering here incrasebux.com This is a PTC pay to Click service site..all you have to do is click on the available ads everyday and they will pay you! This is not a scam coz Ive been using this to pay for my Monster hunter fees! This will only take you 3-4 min everyday and its free!once you register there are strategies to earn more.THIS IS 100 % FREE! YOU DONT HAVE TO ADD STUPID REPLIES ABOUT THIS COZ I AIN`T FORCING YOU TO DO THIS! Now Abt This VIDEO! This is a collection of my MHF jp weapons and armours,its just a few of my all time faves...some w/ci dont added on this vid is already collecting dust and rusts in my item box LOL^^enjoy!
Xbox360版モンスターハンターフロンティアオンラインのことなんですが。 MHFは、[エンターテインメントと趣味>ゲーム>Xbox360]