Monster Hunter Freedom 2 Armour&Weapon Sets
98701.forums.motigo.com All my hard earned Amours and weapons that i have in monster hunter freedom 2... the video sucks but at least u get to see some armor. as u might imagine, many people are sending me comments on how to get this and that... i cant possibly reply all of them, so feel free to make this video a "how to get MHF2 armor" forum.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite/2G Ukanlos/Ucamulbas: Absolute Zero Slaying Quest (Flashbomb Strategy)
Hate to see the use of Flash Bombs well try our other vid. www.youtube.com - We love to play the game. Don't you? - Its our team work not the flashbombs killed it. - We play just for fun and not to impress noobs out there who doesn't know how to walk the walk. - We don't immitate any other teams/clans/groups we just play this game as we want it, it's a free country man. - If you think you're better than us, who cares? - If you hate us we hate you too. It's that simple. Please do kindly rate, comment and subscribe. Thank you!
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