モンスターハンターフロンティア 8.5
価格:¥ 7,140
モンスターハンターフロンティア 8.5
MHF 剛靭!冥雷竜
Monster Hunter Frontier - HR91 Doragyurosu Showcase 「ドラギュロス」 Part 2/2
Video of the new monster in 8.5, a subspecies of Berukyurosu, Doragyurosu. A completely different monster, Dora is a fun monster who I feel proves that they can still do MH right if they try hard enough. Completely random run, it took longer than most, as such is a two parter. I am also uploading a second video which is a four minute run. This run is added because it includes all of Dora's attacks, or at least all of the ones I've seen.
モンスターハンターフロンティアについて2つ聞きたいことが あります 1 シ[エンターテインメントと趣味>ゲーム>オンラインゲーム]