Monster Hunter Freedom 2 Trailer E3 2007
MHF2 Trailer, shown at E3 2007.
Monster Hunter Freedom - Huge Black Diablos
Was doing Four Horns (Black) solo. Encountered this thing after killing the first one. Didn't win, so I have no idea how big it was. Edit: Hey guys, I see that I get a few negative responses on this video about my 'skills'. I don't play MHF anymore (no PSP) but the reason why I fought like this was because I was horn collecting (why else would I solo this quest without camera footage). I ran into this huge monster and decided to film it (put PSP to sleep and hooked up my camera setup). As you can see, I was hitting the head (which is pretty resistant to damage), because my goal was to break the horns. I didn't expect it to like... never break. If I wanted it for a kill ONLY (not caring about the horns) I would have went for the feet + belly. Just so you know (not that I really care if you think I'm bad, because I probably am :P)
