価格:¥ 6,090
MHF グルコサミン&コンドロイチン 植物性 720粒 3ヶ月分
Monster Hunter Freedom - The Legendary Kirin
capcom-unity.com Register and join please!(: Kirin, not exactly what I expected at first either. Sadly traps do not work on him, so what you'll be seeing me do is just straight brawling it out with this little thing. I understand fighting Kirin may give you trouble due to his high speed and Thunder attributed attacks, but yes he's possible to kill. I used Blazing Falchion due to it's superior sharpness and attack. Weapon: Blazing Falchion Attack: 238 Sharpness: Nice green FRAtrrib: 380 Armor: Rathian Helm Rathalos Mail Rathian Vambraces Velociprey Tasset Rathalos Greaves Skills: Attack Up (Medium) Health +10 Provocation Items suggested: Tons of healing items, as you may find learning Kirin a bit difficult. Let's begin shall we? Grab whatever items you feel that are necessary from the Supply Box and make your way through the cave in area 4 to area 6. Upon entering you are greeted with a nice little cutscene of our prey, which appears to be a red eyed unicorn? Yeah, well he's not friendly at all. You'll want to quickly dispose of the Velociprey within the area and then begin fighting Kirin. Knowing when to attack Kirin is very important, attacking him at the wrong time will more than likely result in you getting struck by his lightning. As you can see he can surround his body with lightning, what do you then? You wait for that to stop. Sometimes he'll call lightning in just one direction, which is directly in front of him. That would be your time to strike. Becareful not to <b>...</b>
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 Trailer E3 2007
MHF2 Trailer, shown at E3 2007.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - How to earn up to 35k+ in 2 minutes! (HQ)
My first Monster Hunter video :). For those of you who haven't tried this quest yet, it's ultra easy and can pay silver (10000 coins) and golden (20000 coins) eggs. I must make clear though that you are NOT guaranteed to receive any egg(s) in the rewards but I would say 6 out of 10 times, you will. It only takes 2-3 minutes to do the quest anyway so if you don't get any egg(s) the first time, just try again! You may receive just a silver egg or just a golden egg but if you're very lucky (like I was in this run), you'll receive one of each giving you a total of 30000 coins for the eggs and 4500 for completing the quest (and that's not even counting the 800 contract fee you get :P)! This is a great quest to do when you're just wanting to refresh the materials in the Pokke farm. FOR THOSE WONDERING HOW TO GET THE QUEST: My very first annotation in the video actually tells you where to get it but I guess not everyone reads everything..... This quest is downloadable content so to get it, select Download at the game's main menu and connect to the download page (you will need WiFi). There you will find a large number of downloadable quests and extra features. All you need to do is find this quest from the list of quests and download it onto your memory stick. The next time you check the gathering hall it should be there. Hope that helped. I used RemoteJoy Lite to record. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Twitter: twitter.com
Monster Hunter Freedom - Four Horns 1/2
capcom-unity.com Register and join please! (: Due to the video being over 10 minute length, I have split it into two parts. This being part 1 out of 2 Well well, 4 Horns.. to take on 2 Diablos? Doesn't exactly sound fun now does it? Well it's not.. I could understand why this quest may give some people trouble, I mean fighting Diablos? Honestly, who enjoys doing that? Not me anyways. I strongly suggest using Poison Battlaxe for this quest, if you've not made that weapon then what is wrong with you? It's so simple to make and it's extremely useful throughout the beginning stages of Monster Hunter Freedom. Weapon: Poison Battleaxe Attack: 238 Sharpness: Nice green POAtrrib: 260 Armor: Rathian Helm Rathalos Mail Rathian Vambraces Velociprey Tasset Rathalos Greaves Skills: Attack Up (Medium) Health +10 Provocation Items suggested: 5x Flash Bombs, 3 Pyschoserums, 10x Sonic Bombs, and maybe 1x Cool Drink (just in case) Let's tear this quest apart! Grab whatever you need from the Supply Box and get ready for an intense quest! You'll want to take out the Diablos in area 10 first, if you were to leave him alone and target him the desert, there is a chance that he may decide to show up, which means fighting two of them at the same time, and I guarantee that is NOT something you want to do. You'll always want to target one leg and stick to it. That way you increase the odds of him tripping, making the tail easier to remove. I made a few mistakes, be sure to take advantage of that <b>...</b>
モンスターハンターフロンティアオンライン(MHF)モンハンについて HR6の初心者で...[エンターテインメントと趣味>ゲーム>オンラインゲーム]
